Producer | Drummer | Audio Editor



Disclaimer: Please note the opinions and information on this web site are my own and nobody else's. Although I still hold a passion for music, drumming, production and studio work I do not support, work with or condone any people, personalities, artists, performers or anyone in the entertainment business/any business that follow, promote or are part of any 'Satanic or Demonic' agenda or symbolism of any kind. I believe the majority of the public is being steered through the media in a direction that is leading them down a very dark path and I will not be part of, consent to or approve this agenda under any circumstances

It is imperative that 'we who see' what is going on create music and sound with 'Great Intent' and frequency that lifts people in the best way possible. I have always been an instigator but nothing could have been possible without the good other people who contributed to this journey and helped sail the ship




Garry King is a music producer, drummer and audio editor residing at his studio home ‘La Foret' in the tranquil countryside of South West France.


Garry has been blessed to have worked with a number of major artists and companies including recording in the studio with guitar legend 'Jeff Beck' touring and recording with 'Joe Lynn Turner' (Rainbow, Deep Purple) Warner Brothers Nashville, Park Gate Studio (UK) the software developers Magix and Acid Pro Software 'Berlin' creating a complete package for Acid Loops 'Stadium Rock Drums 'Native American Juno award (Canada) winning artist 'Chester Night' and was recognized as a Musician of Merit by the 'American Federation of Musicians United States and Canada in the early 2000's.

Working with other notable artists including Grammy nominated producer ‘Rick Hale' and Grammy winning producer 'Sound of America Records' Tom Bee' and multiple artist's records, productions both as a drummer and producer/mixer worldwide including Darkyra Black, Ian Parry, Thiago Trinsi, Herman Rarebell (Scorpions) Mike Lepond, Lucio Manca, Barend Courbois (MSG) and Timo Sommers (Delain)

Over recent years many of his drrum recordings, productions and mixes have been heard on multiple radio stations including 'BBC Radio, Radio Caroline (UK) and stations in Canada, Holland, New Zealand, USA and Brazil.




PAST - After moving to London in the mid eighties Garry became involved with a number of companies and artists including 'Peer Southern Music' in the then famous ‘Denmark Street' which set a path for the future. Later working with Britain's 'Musician's Union' he organized, arranged and promoted clinics throughout the South East of England promoting reliability, character, musical techniques and the importance of professionalism in any industry!

Through a local studio he was lucky to meet guitar legend ‘Jeff Beck' and after a lengthy time of pestering and sending drum demos he was invited to Jeff's studio to record. “For me the greatest experience ever and certainly a step up the ladder

Official product endorsement with Sound Forge Pro 12/14


USA - After a trip to the U.S. with a new project and an introduction to Warner Brothers VP ‘Bob Saporiti' in Nashville he relocated to New Mexico in 2000 where he developed the ‘MIC Program', motivating middle and high school students with the concepts of "Making it Count" through the medium of television and entertainment that also aired on TV, radio and played to over 12,000 students and members of the public. He also continued to work with artists, musicians and companies including Grammy nominated producer/writer Rick Hale, Native American Juno award (Canada) winning artist 'Chester Night' and Grammy director/award winner and Producer Tom Bee – ‘Sound of America Records'

EUROPE - 2006 Garry based himself back in Europe where he set up the now ‘La Foret Studio' and continued working and touring with artists and companies internationally.

CONCERT PRODUCTION - 2007 Garry set up ‘Garnoe Creative Group' with American bassist ‘Andy Robbins' creating production and tour recourses for other artists and companies for live touring projects. In 2008 after a number of phone call's with vocalist ‘Joe Lynn Turner' Garry started bouncing ideas around to create possible shows together and in 2009 'Garnoe Group' produced Joe's Latin American “High Gear" tour, followed by "The Blood Red Sky Tour" in 2010. Garry and Andy also played throughout both tours (bass 'n' drums) which played over 40 shows in major cities, recording live sessions at the C4 Studio in Sao Paulo Brazil followed by a full production video for the track ‘Blood Red Sky'

STUDIO FOCUS - Back in the studio Garry continues working with artist's from all over the world including, France, Australia, UK, USA, Estonia, Brazil, Sweden and Germany, not just playing on records but producing and mixing many of them. Through producer ‘George Boussounis' he was recommended to Australian artist ‘Darkyra Black' to play on and mix her first album release ‘Dragon Tears'. Since then he has also honed his skills as a producer on other recordings many which have received multiple radio airplay's and multiple tracks for film and television with Rick Hale in the USA.


"Hang in there buddy. You’re one of the good ones. And lord knows we need music at times like these more than ever. We love you, Garry, your friend Bob"

'Bob Saporiti Ex Senior VP Warner Bros Nashville'



The only thing necessary for the triumph of 'EVIL' is for good people to do nothing! AND follow the mainstream narrative

All my thoughts on the utter nonsense of the past few years and especially since 2020 are on my new '2020 Vision' Blog Page and Video Podcasts. However over the last few years my thoughts have changed somewhat but my journey to how I got to where I am now should still be seen so everything will remain as first presented. We are truly in an era of Biblical proportions!

We must address and questions things that are and will affect our future and those of our families and the next generation. There is pure Evil at work and we are at war with these entities, the twisted narrative history 'His Story' has been nothing but a massive deception and lie to keep the weak willed and brainwashed controlled








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