there have been many situations over the last few years that accuse
people shown on TV of being 'Crisis Actors' for
terror and medical scenarios. Of course the likes of Reuters, Snoop
and all say that this is false and the have Debunked the
theories. Well, of course they do as they are all part of the system
that creates this in the first place. These people are part of
the massive coercion of the public esecially during the events
of 2020/22
COERCION - compelling a party to act in an involuntary
manner by use of threats, including force. It involves a set of
various types of forceful actions that violate the free will of
an individual to induce a desired response So here is a simple example still online today
though 'Star Now'
This closed in April 2021 but is still
on the site for all to see but I have saved a screen shot which
you can enlarge opposite in case they remove it and my question
would be 'Why do you need to fake this? Obviously this is not real
but most of the brainwashed will actually soak it up as real if
and when they saw it!
Please take note of the paragraphs - We
will be simulating COVID-19 vaccine injections using a using
a safe Hollywood grade FX prop needle syringe (spring loaded
blunt tip retractable) The exact same thing used
on celebs, politicians, royals an so on but YOU think they
where actually getting a real Jab !!!
The same people that believe the
dentist in commercials selling toothpaste with perfect skin,
hair and pearly white teeth is actually a real dentist 'Well
it was on TV it has to be real!!
Ok so here is another, check these guys
out - Nothing
works as effectively in dealing with real-world disasters as rehearsal.We
bring all of our experience creating highly credible, dramatic
scenarios to bear preparing your people for the worst and equipping
them with the psychological and practical tools that will help
them save lives and survive disaster.
Also their so called 'Team'
appear on other websites with slightly different renditions of
their bios and less photoshoped pics here and
this guy Fireman 'Mick Massey' who seems to have many irons in
many fires including Managing
Director, Hanover Associates and who looks somewhat different
in the pictures to his image on or
is it just me? Lets take a look at 'Francesca Hunt Lead Producer'
at Crisis Cast -
Trained in offshore survival and safety for the oil and gas industry,
enhanced DBS (previously CRB) clearance. Just happens to be an actress on
Now I'm not saying people shouldn't have
their hands in many pies but seriously! Clients include The NHS,
UK Government, CERN, British Army, The Home Office, Ministry
of Defense, Kent Police and so on. So no real surprises there then!
Patients in hospitals where
you cant go in but the media can and do interviews and film telling
you to get a Jab like a certain Henry Dyne on the BBC 'Get
the V, just honestly, get the V.' Remarkable that a 28 year old
on his last legs saved by the 'V' from a so called Virus with
99.8 percent of recovery could look so well and healthy on his
ventilator! with a get well message from the man himself
Sajid Javid. I wonder how many other hospitalised people got the same get well
message shared on 'Anti Social Media' ??? We have also seen the
dancing, jewelry wearing nurses in empty hospitals on the odious
'TikTok' videos knowing full well this has to be fake!
28-year-old Henry spoke to @BBCHughPym
from his hospital bed after getting seriously ill with coronavirus.
He describes feeling like he was dying and his advice to others
is to get the #NHSCOVIDVaccine. COERCION
from the heads of the NHS. Reading
the negative comments on the Twitter feed as well as some that praise
the guy but, very few. So you can see that people are working it
out and are not all daft. I'm sure Henry who's Instagram
with 16.000 followers and only 3 posts which looks
sketchy to say the least, rushed to the bank after the report to
cash his performance check! This dude is one of many that you can
find playing the part and it's up to you to decide if you are being
bamboozled or not.

Im not an actor honest' with the caption on his post 'Welcome
to my world Covidiots!

However all the main news outlets
as usual will tell the brainwashed he really was sick in
the hostpital